It's a Joovy Caboose
: Little rides up front, Big rides on a seat in back. Simple, light, easy to use, and very appropriate for the kids' ages, since three and a half is old enough that sitting in a traditional stroller feels a bit baby-ish, but hanging on the back of sister's stroller is perfectly fine.
Turns out there's much stashability factor, too,since I kind of have a reputation for not packing light. Plus, these freaking cloth diapers take up a lot of room (I still haven't had a chance to make that post...turns out Princess Lu has a very, very sensitive bottom; we have had a crash course in cloth diapering). The diaper bag can squash down on the baby's seat under the spot where the car seat is placed and there's another compartment under the boy's seat. Add the mommy hook and we're golden. For this event, we packed:
toys for boy and girl
glow sticks
(for tracking errant children with in the dark)
thick blankets to sit on
baby supplies
bribes. never leave home without them! stickers are good ones.
extra clothes for kids
plenty of water and juice for little boy & little friends
jammies. They'll fall asleep in the car on the way home if not sooner.
Tiffany and baby Lu
River showing Artie how the real art is done
Zoe and Lucy
Zach M. seemed to be having a jolly time
And that's why we have the backpack carrier. It's been a lifesaver.
My homegirlz. Very rarely do we all get to hang out together, so seeing both of them pretty much made my week.
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