I woke up this morning to see that some little gnomes had left me a present in the front window. They must have been inspired by this Filth Wizardry post. Check out that family's blog...aren't they super? Our window isn't quite as fabulous as theirs, but it sure does brighten up our living room! I think Johnny Cash is even smiling a little for once. Look carefully...

You may have noticed the papel picado hanging in our living room and wondered why it's there. Need I remind you that we take bubble baths in the swimming pool and practice indoor glamping? Maybe we've been to a few too many Flaming Lips concerts.

I think I might have to steal this idea and let H do it in the playroom. Especially since we're going on our umpteenth day of rain! :)
Rain I can abide. The oppressive heat I can't! But it sure is a fun activity. And messy, messy fun, but easy to clean up. Post pics if you do! :)
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