I see the mommies riding their littles around in toddler rickshaws and other such apparatus, but I can't do it. Each day, I sigh as I pass my dusty bike. Even at 7 or 8 in the evening, when my workday has been over recently, it's still ungodly, stiflingly hot. And I have a pretty sweet rig:

I know, right? I even have one of those 1970s seats that mounts right on the back of the bike, since that trailer is a LOT to pull (unless you are headed to the grocery store...then it's perfecto).
Anyway, the point is, I work many long hours and after closing my text books and heading home, I am just not up to par with the badass mommy bikers.
Even the park is miserable most days. Coming up with fun things to do out of the heat has been a challenge, and today I am sharing three of our favorite ways to entertain ourselves for those of you who might also be dodging between cabin fever and summer hell.
1. Start a rock band (dance-a-thon optional).
We're lucky to have lots of instruments here (hand drums, trap sets, violin, piano, didjeridoo, other various percussion, guitars, bass, etc.) but you don't need them. Little kids are naturally into percussion, so now is the perfect time to take advantage of it (and focus their energy on something they can really bang away at, free of penalty). We use everything we can think of...make shakers out of rice and cans, use pots and pans, etc. The whole family can get down....it's a noisy blast.
If you aren't sure where to start, check out Wild Music's Sound Activities section, which has several suggestions and instructions.
2. Bubbly pool.
All the neighbor kids dig this, too. We fill up the regular old kiddie pool with tons of bubbles using a little bubble bath or a mild, all-natural dish soap (just a little). The trick is to put the bubble making solution in very early and direct the hose so it hits the bubbles as they are made. They multiply like crazy...it's a blast.
3. Urban glamping.
Basically, set up a tent in your house and glamp that baby out...cover the floors with blankets to make them nice and posh, bring in some furniture and a nice dinner and whatever else you can think of to cozy it up. Arthur liked it so much that he now has a smaller tent living in his bedroom. Naptime is a cinch these days!
So what are you all doing to keep cool these days? Please comment!
I love the urban glamping idea! Why haven't I thought of that? I, too, wish I could hop on my bike, but dang, it is way too hot.
Thanks! I have a glamping book in the works, actually...you might love it! :)
The tents have been a big hit in our house since Nyal was 1. We have gone through a few of them, but have not yet set the bigger one up inside the house, but I may have a project lined up for this weekend! Thanks!
I have finally just sucked it up with my kids and gone out and done the stuff that I feel like it's too hot to do and just do it anyway. They are only this age once, and I will remember the fun, not the sweat, right? Unless I have a heat stroke.
Lately we've been enjoying our memberships to the zoo and the aquarium and making every penny of those count because they aren't cheap. We also do a couple of classes through the parks department because they are fairly cheap and fun. Gymnastics is fun and physical and so cute to watch. One class that can be duplicated at home is the messy cooking or fun snack making ones. We did those last summer and they loved them.
Also, on days it is too crazy to even think about going outside, a big tub or several pots and pans filled with water and placed on a big sheet, blanket, or a few towels on the kitchen floor (or anywhere without carpet) can make the fun last for hours. Add any waterproof/bath/beach toys and let them at it. I also did something similar with a bin full of dry pinto beans and a bunch of scooping and measuring devices and it was a hit for a long time. For things like this, there is nothing better than the dollar stores or a good garage sale.
Oh, and don't forget fun summer activities through the library!
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