Arthur is not quite yet getting the hang of the potty situation, but he is starting to get beyond merely flushing and cheerfully exclaiming "Bye Bye Pee Pee!" We don't force the issue, as we still need plenty of time to work out all our potty training hacks.
I wish I had some cool repurposed undies pics to post, but for now, I am sharing some links to tutorials and other potty training goodness I found online. Between being a word sorceress and the world's hippest wifey/mom, it's hard to find time for crafting, but my brain lives on many borders, much like Texarkana.
Tutorial for pants-to-undies repurpose from Indietutes
Tutorial for onesies-to-undies from Ramona Burke of the Burkeshires: adorable!
Boxers from tees thanks to Ramona Burke
Japanese potty training video from Fyrewolf69 on youtube.
The sequel.
We use Jaffa training pants right now when Arthur is hanging around the house and has had his morning poo already. Unfortunately, I believe they are only available via ebay sellers, but we buy them 3/pk new for around ten bucks, a super deal.
More cool training pants:
Super Undies offer both day and night training pants as well as the kind that pull on like regular old panties (I mean undies...sorry, husband!).

EcaWare Baby's ecaPants are supercute training pants with elimination communication parents' needs in mind, but that also work for traditional parents, and come with velcro or snaps. The best part about their web site is they have a spot for second-hand and trades! The pants come in all colors, but I especially like the robots, rockets and monsters pictured here. The little girl choices are so super cute too:

Hanna Andersson also offers these "training unders" identical to their underwear line, so little brothers don't have to feel like little babies. They are, unfortunately, as insanely spendy as they are cute.
And now onto toilets.
Arthur's Boon potty bench. The little orange splash guard thingy makes me uneasy but I like the way it doubles as a stepping stool for toothbrush time. Arthur's orange thingy actually disappeared and later was found in use in his kitchen as some kind of utensil.
"Tinkles"...we renamed him George Harrison...the least expensive ($9.99) potty doll we found that was anatomically correct for boys and serves the function of potty model.
Potty training tips from Babycenter.
Dr. Phil's guide to potty training in a day.
Throw a potty party, from Nickelodeon Parents Connect.
Prudent Baby's adorable, crafty potty training chart tutorial and download.
We recently picked this book up.
And we plan on getting some of these potty targets from Etsy seller ShoopTiles32 when Arthur gets bigger.
Do you have any potty training or undies links? Please comment!
Happy pottying!
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